The War on Mother’s, Father’s, Christmas et al Days

In response to the following article, I was going to leave this as a comment to someone else posts, but decided to make this a personal post/rant in a more general area – are us lefties too politically correct ?

An open letter to pastors (A non-mom speaks about Mother’s Day)

Even though I am a man of 40 years old and child-less(*) man, luckily, I don’t believe in or practice any of these mythologies, so a hypocritical old child-less white man’s sanction or support from a conceived supreme being – is pretty meaningless for me.

(*I’ve always want children/family, role of mother of my children has been open and unfilled for a long time.)

Bill Maher sums it up – “democrats have gone from the party that protects people, to the party that protects feelings”.

However, there are always two sides to every coin. There is the one desire to celebrate/recognize certain accomplishments or sacrifices that others have not or could not do. Does that mean we should be insensitive to those that could not or didn’t ? And at the same time, while we are attempting to celebrate the ones that did, we don’t want to comprise their accomplishments or ruin their day, we can do that the other 364.

I’m not talking just about Mother’s day, Father’s Day … how about Valentine’s day ? Christmas ? Thanksgiving ? Veterans Day ?

I’m pretty sure that is why the religious right has this idea of a ‘war on Christmas’. Because some what to be more inclusive to minorities, others start to feel pushed out. And in the War on Christmas, maybe finally so for the white christians, here’s a taste of your own exclusion.

Mother’s and Father’s day don’t bother me that much. My immediately family never put a lot weight on celebrating these days in the first place. Plus, I still have my parents in my life. I know a Facebook friend, suddenly lost her mother and is having a difficult time with mother’s day approaching. I have no clue how I’d feel in that case.

I can (and hopefully one day) will father some children. However, I not likely gonna to pick up a gun and serve in our military. And, because one couldn’t get into college or didn’t have the money to do so, they choose to enlist – why should I celebrate their decision ? (Now, if drafted, that is different.) No body throws me a party because I choose to go to WashU over University of Missouri – Rolla.

I know motherhood has a biological clock that complicates things, but should we feel sad, and take away and get distracted by those that didn’t or couldn’t – wanting attention on a day we set aside to honor someone else ?

I appreciate learning about the feelings of others, especially when often overlooked. However, if it is someone else’s birthday, do you interrupt their celebration commenting that it’s not your birthday and you are feeling left out ?